sexta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2010
quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010
15 Funny Yahoo Questions
Since every question is moderated, most of the embarrassing fun is edited out and the most ridiculous questions never see the light of day.
From an entertaining point of view that is too bad, but on the other hand, we really want to make the world a smarter place.
If you don’t know what I mean, have a look at 15 funny Yahoo Answers questions from Yahoo users. How do these people manage to survive?
If you need to work out those face and belly muscles, here you go!
1. Question: How Can I Prevent Pearl Harbor From Happening?
Smartass Answer: You need a Delorean, a Flux-capacitor and 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity to make that happen.
2. Question: Credit Card (Stuck) In Computer?
Smartass Answer: Turn the computer upside down and shake it.
3. Question: If You Die, What Happens To Your MySpace?
Smartass Answer: It deletes itself. You see when you die a little microchip goes off in your brain and instantly deactivates any accounts you may have. They are inserted a few months after birth, everyone has them.
This was also the best answer chosen by the asker herself!
4. Question: Why Do Stupid People Breed?
Smartass Answer: They wanted company?
5. Question: If A Woman Was To Eat A Lot Of Chocolate, Would Her Breast Milk Taste Like Chocolate Milk?
Smartass Answer: Chocolate breast milk comes from black women.
This was also the best answer chosen by the asker. His comment?
wow never realised this b4, ty
6. Question: How Turn Computer Monitor Into Mirror?
Smartass Answer: Get a can of mirror spray paint, point, and spray.
7. Question: How To Get YouTube To Come Film You?
Smartass Answer: facepalm
This is actually a popular troll question, that has been posted several times on Yahoo! Answers. Meanwhile, the original question was deleted.
8. Question: Why Are Fossilized Clam Shells Found On Mt. Everest?
Smartass Answer: Obviously. Any other suggestion, such as geological uplift of the ancient seabed at points of tectonic plate subduction, would be mere hocus-pocus and superstition.
9. Question: What Is The Country Of Canada All About?
Smartass Answer: Wow, the American education system really is in crisis.
10. Question: Instead Of Simply Worshipping ‘God’, Why Not Worship Godzilla?
Smartass Answer: I choose to worship God because I prefer worshiping real things over movie characters anytime.
This question reminds of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. As founder Bobby Henderson says:
With millions, if not thousands, of devout worshippers, the Church of the FSM is widely considered a legitimate religion, even by its opponents—mostly fundamentalist Christians, who have accepted that our God has larger balls than theirs.
11. Question: How Do People Hide Large Amounts Of Food In Their Mouth?
Smartass Answer: It’s called Bulimia?
12. Question: Can I Fail A Drug Test By Having Sex The Night Before?
Smartass Answer: You will fail an IQ test.
13. Question: Why Doesn’t The Earth Fall Down?
Smartass Answer: Because it can fly.
Yes, that’s also the best answer selected by the Asker. She didn’t care much for gravity and the sun.
14. Question: Why Did Yahoo! Answers Delete My Question?
Subtitle: Would my cat like the heat from about 15 seconds in the microwave?
Smartass Answer: Try the dryer instead.
15. Question: VERY POPULAR Techno Song?? HELP!!! They Play It In Clubs!!?
Smartass Answer: Sandstorm by Darude.
I’m speechless. People actually knew the answer!
If those got you hooked, check out more funny Yahoo! Answers on these pages:
Do you think most of these questions are genuine or do people just fake it to appear in an article like this?
Talento Escondido
Talentos escondidos no lixo das ruas. Sony busca talento no lixo e encontra 04 mendigos com talentos extraordinários.
Por vezes, os melhores espectáculos estão mesmo ali ao lado...
sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010
quinta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2010
30 Old PC Ads That Will Blow Your Processor
Many people today either are too young to have ever seen some early pc’s or have forgotten what they looked like and how much they cost. Today we complain about the cost of a laptop running 2Ghz with 4GB ram for a cost of $ 400.00, however it wasn’t that long ago that laptops and pc’s were priced quite a bit higher. Here are 30 Old PC ads that will make you laugh and possibly appreciate what you have today.
10MB Drive for $ 3398.00
Today you can get a 1TB drive for $ 85.00
1TB is about 100,000 times larger than 10MB
This is an early Laptop, with 64K of memory
Today laptops have 2 to 4 Gig of memory
4GB is about 64,000 times larger than 64K
Here are two disk systems, 80MB for $ 12K and 300MB for $ 20K
Today you can get a DVD that holds 4Gig for $ .75 each
A 4GB DVD is about 14 times larger than a 300MB Disk
Here is a 16K RAM Memory Card, $ 495.00
Today you can get 4GB RAM for $ 99.00
4GB Ram is about 256,000 times larger than 16K
This is an early modem, delivering 4800 BPS
Modems today deliver 56K
56K is about 12 times faster
This early PC is offering dual floppy drives and 128K of RAM
Today PC’s have between 2 to 4 GB RAM
4GB RAM is about 32,000 times larger than 128K
Yes this was my first video game system. Yes those are the joy sticks.
Todays game systems are far more advances in graphics, controlers, etc.
Here is another early laptop, this one can expand up to 640KB RAM
Today laptops have 2 to 4 Gig of memory
4GB is about 6,000 times larger than 640KB
Checkout this Amiga, promoting the quality of graphics it can produce.
Apple does it again, 5Mhz with 1MB RAM
Today PCs are 3Ghz with 4GB RAM
3Ghz is 600 times faster and 4GB RAM is 4000 times larger than 1MB RAM
This ATARI Computer has 48K or RAM and offers 128 colors
Today PC’s have 4GB RAM and offer 32 Bit color which is 4.2 billion colors
The TRS-80 was produced in the late 70’s and early 80’s with 1.7Mhz processor and 4KB RAM
Today PCs are 3Ghz with 4GB RAM
3Ghz is 1700 times faster and 4GB RAM is 1 Million times larger than 4KB RAM
This early pc offered a 13″ screen for just $ 3300.00
I’m not sure about the specs, but this looks more like a typewritter
The price is coming down, this pc offeres 4KB RAM for only $ 249.00
The ACE1000 offers 64KRAM and includes upper and lower case keys, plus num lock
Today pc’s offer 4GB RAM and all include shift keys plus num lock
4GB is about 6,000 times larger than 640KB
Get up and running right with this PC, offering 4K RAM and a cassette player
I’m not sure you can even buy cassette’s anymore
This was the latest and greatest in laptop design
How would you like to carry that around during school
The TRS-80 was produced in the late 70’s and early 80’s with 1.7Mhz processor and 4KB RAM
Today PCs are 3Ghz with 4GB RAM
3Ghz is 1700 times faster and 4GB RAM is 1 Million times larger than 4KB RAM
How about another 10MB Hard Drive for $ 3,495.00
Today you can get a 1TB drive for $ 85.00
1TB is about 100,000 times larger than 10MB
One of Mac’s early computers, offeres 32 Bit Processor
Here’s a 15MB Hard Drive for $ 2,495.00, the price is coming down
Today you can get a 1TB drive for $ 85.00
1TB is about 69,000 times larger than 15MB
This Tandy 5000 offers a blazing 20Mhz processor and 2MB RAM
Today PCs are 3Ghz with 4GB RAM
3Ghz is 150 times faster and 4GB RAM is 2000 times larger than 2MB RAM
Here’s a PC in a breifcase, complete with modem and 5″ monitor.
Today pc’s don’t have to plug the whole phone in, just the phone line and have up 22″+ monitors.
Checkout the joysticks and other options that come with this pc.
Produced in early 80’s, the VIC-20 came with 5KB RAM
Today pc’s come with 4GB RAM
4GB is about 838,000 times larger than 5KB
For only $ 999.00 you can get this pc that offers 384K RAM and 20M Hard Disk Card.
Today pc’s come with 4GB RAM and 500+ GB Drives
4GB is about 10,000 times larger than 384KB RAM and 500 GB drive is about 25000 times larger than 20M
Here’s a basic pc that offered 4K RAM that you had to hook up to a TV.
Another personal pc that offeres 4K RAM for under $ 199.95, but didn’t come with a monitor.
The ZX81 offered 1K RAM but expanded up to 16K RAM and could hook up to any TV