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domingo, 25 de outubro de 2009

The Weirdest Clouds that You’ll Ever See

Nature has always been a source of inspiration for designers to look at things differently.
We all know that a tree doesn’t always have green leaves, water is not blue and clouds are certainly not always white and puffy. As designers, we need to know to look beyond the obvious when looking at things.
Cloud formations such as mammatus or lenticular among others, are perfect examples of how intricate and different nature can be. There are even so called ‘ufo clouds’, which truly resemble the shape of a UFO.
In this post, we take a look at some amazing photographs of the weirdest cloud formations that you’ll ever see, that are destined to inspire your design work and surely blow your mind.
To read more information about any of the photos, just click on any of the images below to be taken to its source. And don’t forget the next time you go out, to look up…