
quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2019

Financial Independence

Introducing people to the concept of FI (financial independence) and encouraging workers to pour more money into their retirement accounts.
Efficient lifestyles and recognition that saving and investing is a path to greater flexibility and freedom.

  • The anti-budget: why it pays to get rid of your normal, line-itemized, granular budget.
  • Growing the gap between what you earn and spend.
  • Why you should never delay gratification.
  • Three cognitive biases that interfere with your ability to make smart investing choices.
  • How to create better, stronger, stickier habits.
  • Why index funds are superior to actively-managed mutual funds.
  • The three biggest spending drains — and how to avoid them.
  • Should a young person invest more conservatively until they see how they react to a market downturn?

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